Only you shine in the night sky

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dedicated to my Angel Jaydan

Bonded by the beating of our hearts...

It's Mother's Day twenty eleven and it would be even better if you were here too.. A year old just learning to walk and talk. I wonder what you would look like and sound like? I'll never know
One thing I did know about you, was the sound of your beating heart. That is how I know you best. I heard your heart beating at 12 weeks into my pregnancy, and I will never forget how happy I was to have you growing inside me. And every day you grew inside me, all you heard all day was the sound of my heart beating. Our family was so excited to meet you. We cry every time we think of you cause we miss you more than anything. I am so sad your gone forever..........
I never thought we got to know eachother, but we did. We knew the sound of eachothers heart beats. You were in my womb for 33 weeks and heard my heart beating with love for you. I heard your heart beat many times and I will always cherish those moments. I just wish I could change the way things ended Jaydan. I will blame myself for the rest of my life.
We will always be bonded by the sound of our hearts beating. Love you Lil' Prince Pincey. (That would have been my nickname for you).

I will always cry every time I write and think of the pain of losing you. Time heals everything but time will not ease my pain, it hasn't yet....
My heart misses your heart.

Happy Mother's Day to me from my angel baby oxoxox
Only god knows when I'll see you again.
I would do anything to hold you close again. Touch your cute little face and kiss your forehead.
Your never really gone cause your memory still remains

We have a really special song dedicated to you.
When I see you again - Emerson Drive

My heart really misses your heart Jaydan
I wish you could be here especially today
I love you baby boy. My one and only Angel.
Bye once again
Kisses to Heaven