Only you shine in the night sky

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Friday, April 30, 2010

Memorial Service

Hi Jaydan,
I received an invitation today for a Memorial Service May 30th,2010. It is a invitation for families who have experienced a baby loss. I wish this did not happen to our family. I miss you so much Jaydan.
But this is an opportunity to share your memory with others that truly care and understand.
I get frustrated when people tell me they understand what our family is going through. They have no clue and do not understand.I don't think they will ever understand. I struggle each day. All I want is more babies to share my love with.
Jordan wants a baby brother and sister so bad. She loves pushing babies in the stroller.She is going to be so helpful when I have more babies.

I am so sad because we should be taking care of you Jaydan. I had so many plans for us this summer. It will not be the same without you. But my promise to you is, Our family will enjoy every second of this life. You taught me how precious life is. I will not take it for granted.

Sunday is Angel Whispers Support group. Help me stay strong Jaydan.
Momma is so proud of you. I love talking about you.
I miss you with all my heart.

This should have been my first Mother's Day with two children. Although we have to celebrate on earth just Daddy, Jordan and Momma. I truly believe you will be with us. Your lil spirit is close to us always.

Catch all my kisses in heaven baby boy.
I love you Jaydan. You shine so bright in the night sky.
I miss you
Love Momma Lindz

Sunday, April 18, 2010

One month old

Hi Jaydan, If you were born on your due date March 18th, you would be one month old today.....
I was checking my email today because I ordered some lil angel bears from Angel Whispers to donate to the hospital. We will always donate every little bit we can in your memory Jaydan. That is how you will live on forever in our world.I also donated to the Ride to conquer cancer benefiting the Alberta cancer foundation. But back to the email..... I came across one email ( I had about 500 emails) and it was from pampers subject, new born baby one month old today. And that is when I noticed the date. I am trying so hard to make the best of my life. My only focus is enjoying every second of my life with Tyler and your big sister Jordan. She looked at your picture the other day and said, I love you Jaydan. She makes me feel so much pride and joy. I must say having kids is the best decision a women can make.
Although I did shed a few tears when I realized the date tonight. I did realize how good our day was today, we went to the driving range and momma finally found my golf swing. I hit straight and one shot made it 200 yards. Pappa was so proud of me. Jordan had her little pink clubs out and was so focused and trying so hard I can't get over how talented Jordan is. She is so good at everything she does, including golfing. We came home and went to the field and tried to fly a kite. We laughed so hard cuz our kite would not fly high, and when it did for five seconds it took a nose dive to the ground. Then we walked home watched The Princess and the Frog for the 20th time. Best Disney movie EVER. And then we played Chutes & Ladders ( I won) hehe It was a great family day. We are aiming to have these kinda family days everyday. Sometimes momma is so sad it hurts to smile. Then I realize how close you have brought us together baby Jaydan. You have changed me forever, made our little family the closest we have ever been. Why did we have to lose you to realize how important the little things are. So unfair. I just want you to know how much I think of you, how perfect it would be to have you in my arms right now. It just doesn't make sense. All I know is I am not wasting a second of my life. I will always try so hard to smile for you Jaydan. Your big sister makes me smile every time I look at her. I will smile every time I think of you.
Auntie Kelly sent me an email, it read every time we find a penny on the ground, think of it as if our Angel ^Baby Jaydan^ sent it down from heaven cuz he is thinking of us. And then I found a penny on our front lawn. Any little thing that Will bring us comfort. Nothing will compare to having you in my arms but all these little things, your shining star, our display of you, my little, (I mean long notes)will have to do for now until I get the hold you again one day when we meet up in the place called heaven where we will sleep in each others arms in peace forever.
Catch my warm kisses Baby Jaydan
PS) we are going to try and make another baby soon, please lord bless us with more beautiful babies and add more and more love to our family.
I miss u with all my heart
To end our day we all hugged and told each other what we love most about each other:
Jordan loves when daddy gives her flowers
Jordan loves when momma kisses her
We all love how close Jaydan has brought us
We love everything about Jordan

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My little piece of Heaven for my lil Angel

Lindsay Danielle Pincemin is saying thank-you to my friends and family for my little piece of heaven for my lil Angel ^Jaydan^
It was so special to receive that on my Birthday, that is a memory that will last a life time. I cant thank you enough.
I did find my star last night and it was shinning bright.
I received the certificate proper location is MEGREZ in the CONSTELLATION OF Ursa Major. My description (Bottom star of the spoon, the little tiny one)haha
I will find my lil angel shinning bright every night.
Friends & Family please find our star in the night sky and think of baby Jaydan
He will shine on forever......

Every time your big sister See's a bight star she recites this poem;

Star light
Star Bright
First star I see tonight
I wish that I may
I wish that I might
Have this wish, I wish tonight........

She always tries to guess my wish but you can never tell your wish or it won't come true!

I miss you so much baby, I can't stop thinking about you. This may sound crazy but yes I am using this blog to talk to you Jaydan, so I hope you are listening haha And you must know how much I love you with all my heart always and forever. Rest peacefully
PS) Please catch all my warm kisses I send daily MUWAHHHHHHH

Here is a little poem for you; more like my thoughts of this moment

You took a little piece of my heart that day you went away.
I will always feel that emptiness
I will always feel sad that you are not in my arms.
People say Jaydan would want to see you happy momma Lindz
But that emptiness will be with me always.
So please know baby Jaydan I am not sad
I am surrounded with Love but...
I wish you were here with us. That wish did not come true for me And I will never understand why