Only you shine in the night sky

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Due Date

Thursday March 18, 2010
My Dear Baby Jaydan,
Although our time together was so brief, you changed my life forever....
I can not hold you in my arms today,
but you are close to me always.
In my heart is where you belong for now. And one day I will hold you close again.
Until then I will think of you daily and miss you always....
It snowed on the day I gave birth to you January 30th, 2010
And today was your due date and it's snowing.
You are my little Winter Angel
I love you baby Jaydan
Catch my warm kiss Mwuahhhhh


  1. I am feeling so empty today, so sad I didn't keep you safe in my womb and deliver you into this world naked and crying. I am so upset I will never look into your eyes. Never hear your cry for Momma. I will always cry for you cuz I miss you so much Jaydan. When I need you I put my hand over my heart and whisper your name over and over.
    I love you baby Jaydan
    You're our Angel of protection.
    I am thankful you will always be apart of my life. And I cherish every moment I had with you. The 33 weeks in my womb and day and night I spent with you Saturday January 30th, until Sunday..
    Oh Lord please hold my baby Jaydan close and keep him warm and safe.....

  2. Lindsay, as I sit here reading this the tears are falling down my face. I have tried over and over to imagine the pain and aching you are feeling but I dont think I can ever understand. I thought about you alot today, not only today but everyday. I wish I could take even just an ounce of your pain away just for a moment. I know that Jaydan wasnt in your lives for very long but God sent him to you for a reason and through all of this right now it may not be clear to you but I truly beleive this special little Angel who you were blessed with was sent to you with a purpose. Lindsay I have known you for years now and you already know from previous conversations that I think you are a strong, amazing woman. I know that the aching and grief you feel in your heart will never go away but I know that the way you handle those feelings will one day get better. I'm sure I speak for everyone watching you and your family go through this when I say, you are surrounded by so many people who love you and support you and we are all here for you every step of the way.

    I love you my girl xoxoxo


  3. I'm so sorry that we both had to go through this journey. It's hard to get over the feeling that we failed our babies when we weren't able to keep them safe. I know it hits me at the strangest times, that feeling of guilt for not bringing my baby boy safe into this world. I don't know if it ever goes away but we have to hold onto the memories we do have of them. It will never be enough but hopefully it will tide us over till we can hold our babies in heaven someday. I'm sure Kaelen and Jaydan will be hanging out together waiting for us to arrive one day a long time from now. Big Hugz. Call me anytime you want to talk... anytime at all!

  4. Lindsay,
    I was reading your post today and thinking I would have been honored to have shared the same birthday with baby Jayden. I seen this poem and thought of you. You are in my thoughts and prayers and hope god takes you in his loving arms and helps you ease your pain. God Bless you and your family...xoxo
    -Sheri Switzer

    Family Chain

    We little knew that morning,
    God was going to call your name,
    In life we loved you dearly,
    In death we do the same.

    It broke our hearts to lose you,
    You did not go alone.
    For part of us went with you
    The day God called you home.

    You left us beautiful memories,
    Your love is still our guide,
    And though we cannot see you,
    You are always at our side.

    Our family chain is broken,
    and nothing seems the same,
    But as God calls us one by one,
    The chain will link again.

  5. Jaydan is beautiful, btw. Thank you for sharing the picture of your little one. Hugz.
